Webshop settings and texts

In this tutorial, we provide 3 sections:

  1. General settings
  2. other settings
  3. texts

Via settings (1) - webshop (2), various settings for the webshop itself can be managed:

General settings:

  1. Set webshop as static menu: This option ensures that no orders can be placed, but that all info regarding products, variations and their prices can be consulted via the webshop. This is a very interesting feature to replace or complement the classic , physical menu.

  2. Show opening hours button: This setting is recommended when the webshop is open for collection or delivery at certain hours of the day. When the webshop is used to take orders without specific time indication, showing the opening hours is rather superfluous.

  3. Allow reviews: The Unipage webshop has the option, after receiving the order, to request a review of it from the customer. When the customer replies, the reviews can be retrieved via the scroll down at the top right of the management page:                                                           

  4. website redirect: Sometimes it can be useful to provide a -temporary or otherwise- redirection to another web page. When a URL is entered in this section, the user of the webshop is redirected directly to this page.


    Main colour: Although almost all the focus of the Unipage webshop is on clarity and ease of use, certain coloured accents have been incorporated into the layout. This option allows you to choose the colour of these accents.

Other settings:

  1. registration is allowed: In some cases, the webshop is only open to registered users and not to everyone. In that case, this box is ticked off.

  2. Studies have shown that it is more commercially interesting to let the customer place an order first before having to provide their details. This is the case when this choice is not ticked. However, should it be necessary for the customer to log in before accessing the webshop, this can be done via this choice setting.

  3. If the customer should be able to add a comment per product while placing his or her order or at the end of the order, this can be set here.

  4. The order in which the products should be displayed in the categories can either be set manually on the management page, see Creating and customising products, or alphabetically. The setting for this is indicated here.

  5. At the top left of the webshop, space is provided for a business logo. This logo is dragged or saved here.

  6. All settings must always be confirmed via ‘save’.


When mail traffic is checked, different mails are sent at different times in the ordering process, to the customer. These mails contain default texts, but these texts can be customised:


  1. via ‘settings’
  2. ‘texts’, a specific message can be sent to the customer:
  3. When an order is placed, the customer will receive a confirmation e-mail of this. A customised text for this can be entered in this box.
  4. This also applies when a delivery order has been placed and the customer has not paid online. An example could be: ‘Please use exact cash to pay the courier’.
  5. The banner on the management page, is also a very interesting communication tool. This banner is seen first when a customer enters the website. So the message placed in it will be read by all visitors to the webshop. This can be used to announce a holiday period, introduce a new product or range, etc.
  6. Here, a text can be placed on the order confirmation when a customer has ordered for pick-up and he has not paid online.
  7. Similarly, a text can be placed during the order when a customer orders for pick-up and he does pay online.
  8. All text entries are always confirmed via ‘save’.

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