Different overviews are available depending on the requirements and the webshop structure. We distinguish overviews of orders and reports. These are available via ‘orders’ in the main menu:

  1. choice between orders and reports
  2. choice overview of take out, delivery or orders on site.
  3. period determination. More explanation on this is available via select period
  4. A selected overview also displays all orders in detail. A production list can also be selected.
  5. Orders can be sorted in various ways: according to order time or according to production time.
  6. If several pick-up locations are used, a selection can also be made here
  7. The global overview based on the specified parameters is displayed.
  8. A breakdown by payment methods is also provided.
  9. If 1 specific order has to be searched for, various parameters such as customer name, mail address, order number, etc. can be searched via ‘search for order’,.

Below that, each order can be viewed when production list is unchecked:

  1. customer data
  2. view, print or change order details
  3. code of the online payment transaction
  4. detail of items ordered
  5. total with payment method

In production list view, an overview of the products is displayed:

and one can group them in different ways:


The reports are taken from Unipage's POS applications. These are used more in accounting applications such as VAT breakdown etc.

As a webshop is not a cash register, the VAT function is also not provided for an unlinked webshop.

You can compile the report via the ‘reports’ button:

  1. selection button reports
  2. choice one or more order types
  3. choice of one or more webshops
  4. period determination
  5. Generate report.

An overview of totals depending on the selected parameters is displayed. Below that, all orders are also available and the ‘Download Excel’ button can be used to generate an Excel file with the data and any breakdown of VAT.

Given the large amount of data that a report generation processes, the maximum period for each report or order summary is limited to a maximum of 1 month.

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